Welcome! I am a third year computer science PhD student in the Theory of Computation group at Harvard. I'm fortunate to be advised by Professor Salil Vadhan.
Before this, I graduated with a BS in mathematics from the University of Central Florida. While at UCF, I completed an honors undergraduate thesis in Ramsey theory under the supervision of Professor Zi-Xia Song.
Contact: jakeruotolo@g.harvard.edu
Research Interests:
My interests are in combinatorics and theoretical computer science, especially the intersection of these two areas.
Sparsest Cut and Eigenvalue Multiplicities on Low Degree Abelian Cayley Graphs (with Tommaso d'Orsi, Chris Jones, Salil Vadhan, and Jiyu Zhang)
Submitted, 2024.
Multicolor Ramsey Numbers for Double Stars (with Zi-Xia Song)
Discrete Mathematics, 2024.
An Asymptotically Sharp Bound on the Maximum Number of Independent Transversals (with Kevin Wang and Fan Wei)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2024.